Icons & text

  • Children are ...... Immature!

    A lot of parents worry about behavior in their kids that is due to immaturity. Holding the bar too high creates disappointment and unreasonable expectations.

  • Lying, Fears and Centered Thinking

    A four year old starts to tell wonderful stories. How do you deal with that? When is it a problem? What about fears and the fact that kids are so messy?????

  • Moral Development

    Moral development takes time....all of childhood and then some. How do we influence the positive development of kindness, inner discipline and living an ethical life?

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Act Your Age
    • VIDEO - Introduction!
    • PDF - Act Your Age - Introduction! (This PDF accompanies the lecture that you just watched above.)
    • VIDEO - Kids Ask lots of Questions, Egocentric Speech!
    • PDF - Kids Ask lots of Questions, Egocentric Speech! (This PDF accompanies the lecture that you just watched above.)
    • VIDEO - Children Embarrass Parents and Have Fears!
    • PDF - Children Embarrass Parents and Have Fears! (This PDF accompanies the lecture that you just watched above.)
    • VIDEO - Telling Lies!
    • PDF - Telling Lies! (This PDF accompanies the lecture that you just watched above.)
    • VIDEO - Moral Development!
    • PDF - Moral Development! (This PDF accompanies the lecture that you just watched above.)

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