Icons & text

  • The Struggle for Independence

    Understand and effectively respond to the fact that kids want independence. Your parenting needs adjusting when this struggle surfaces. Celebrate it! It is part of developing a healthy self.

  • Taking a Step Back

    Insecurities can surface in kids and you can see this in regressive behavior, no matter what age your child is. How far do you step back to help them through this? What works to build their resilience and emotional security?

  • Children Have Difficulty Expressing Feelings

    Babies cry. Toddlers have temper tantrums and hit, bite, scratch and pinch! Four year olds say, "I hate you!" and older kids say, "I hate myself, my life....." How to help them through this!

Four Chapters

Videos and PDF's

  • 1
    Behaviors that Challenge Parents
    • Live Presentation - Tell Me It's a Stage
    • Audio Handout - Tell Me it's a Stage
    • PDF - Tell Me it's a Stage

Buy a chapter at a time.

Or purchase the entire course - Sidestepping the Power Struggle - Seven Chapters

Tell Me It's a Stage

Challenging Behavior

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